Terms & Conditions

Ahead of joining us at LGDance & Drama you must be aware of and agree to our terms and conditions. We have these in place to ensure the safety of our students and team members. We want to maintain a safe, fun, environment where students and staff know they are valued, respected and will ultimately flourish.

In the unlikely event of your child needing first aid and/or medical attention, you are consenting to such treatment where deemed appropriate. You further agree to keep a student from class if they have symptoms of or have Covid-19, and to notify us immediately.

You will inform us of any allergies, conditions, intolerances, disabilities that a student has, and if they need to bring any medication to the session with them.

We have zero tolerance of bullying and we reserve the right to refuse a student's attendance as a result of bullying.

No refunds are given for classes missed due to sickness. A half term (6 weeks) notice must be given when leaving a class. This allows another student to take that place from the beginning of a half term, where new choreography/material is being taught.

Should a class have to be cancelled by LGDance & Drama, a credit will be applied.

At times we take photos/film during our sessions which may be used by LGDance & Drama for promotional purposes.

We sometimes record choreo/singing for the benefit of students who wish to practise between sessions - this is purely for the student's use - it should not be posted or shared outside of the class and should be deleted at the end of that term.

Students must wear appropriate clothing and footwear to every session, failure to do so may result in the student not being able to take part or being asked to go in bare feet if safe for that class activity. No loose or dangling jewellery to be worn. No jeans.

If you have any worries, concerns or issues with LGDance & Drama you should speak directly to them.